Sunday, November 21, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Today was the primary program in Sacrament meeting and it would have been JD's first one. Ever since JD died, I knew that this day would be coming and I knew I would think of JD all day and I did. I looked at all the little kids singing and saying their parts and wondered how tall JD would be and wondered if JD would have been able to say his part without any help or if he would have been able to sing all the songs. When the littler boys said their parts, I wondered which one could have been about JD's age and wondered if JD would have been like any of them. There is so much that I wonder and so much that I miss. As Triston and Connor grow and develop their own personalities and looks, I wonder what JD would be like. I can't wait until we can be together and I can learn these things about him.