A month and a half after JD died, Josh and I went to a support group at the hospital where JD was born. I'm not sure why I wanted to go to it. It's not like me to want to be in any type of a group or think that I need help. But, I had a really strong urge to to attend and I'm so glad I did! There I met other mothers and fathers that had lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. My heart broke to hear their stories, but I also learned from them. I learned that I loved talking about JD where it didn't make other people uncomfortable, I loved hearing other people say
JD's name and being known as
JD's mom. I learned I could find ways to honor and remember JD and that I didn't have to be ashamed of his short life. I learned that all my irrational and angry thoughts weren't that irrational and that all the thoughts I was having were
ok to have. I made friends that I never wanted to meet and joined a special club no mother should ever have to join.
There were 6 of us from that support group that all got pregnant again and that brought us all a different bunch of mental issues! So, we created our own support group for pregnancy after loss. Those 5 ladies helped me through two really difficult times and I will always remember them and their special angel babies! When we moved from Arizona I was more sad to leave them than anything else!
This picture is of two of them, Stacey Betz and her husband Peter and Mylda Carrillo who is holding Triston.
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