Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Arizona Walk to Remember

In October of 2006, while we still lived in Arizona, the hospital where we had JD had their annual "Walk to Remember". Josh and I attended and it was a really special event that honored and remembered babies who had been lost through miscarriage, stillbirth or infant death. When we first got there, we got balloons that were able to decorate for JD and then we went on a mile walk around a college campus and Mesa. I was stunned by the amount of people that were there. I think the line of people took up the entire mile. The line looked like it was never going to end and it was really humbling to see all the families and that had been affected by loss. There was then a ceremony with songs and where the families were able to read poems or scriptures or share thoughts about their babies. It was very emotional for me to hear all the stories and to see the love that each of those babies had from their families. I hated to see the pain that each family was going through, but it was comforting to know that I was not alone in that type of hurt. Then each baby's name was read out loud while a family member received a charm of a baby riding on the moon. And then there was the balloon release. I had never seen so many balloons and it was really an amazing sight! There were many of our friends from the support group and it was a really special day and it meant a lot to me to be able to do something for JD. It always helps me when I feel like I am doing something special just for him.

I sure wish I had a picture of that day, but I will never forget the sight of the walk or the balloon release and I will never forget the feelings I had that day!

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